This is the home of Climate Change Adaptation Planning for Northwest Keena Communites project. This was a 2 year project that began in 2009, and was funded through the Future Forest Ecosystem Scientific Council. The Project was led by Coast Tsimshian Resources LP, and Brinkman Forest Ltd., with the support of an interdisciplinary team of researchers and advisors.
Integrated with this project was the Skeena River Watershed Conservation Project, which was jointly led by World Wildlife Fund Canada, and Coast Tsimshian Resources LP. Collectively, these projects facilitated sustainable and adaptive planning supported by local knowledge and regionally relevant research findings.
This site hosts the project’s findings, and includes links to related research findings, information, and materials that may be useful to communities and stakeholders in the NW Skeena region in planning for climate change. Community and stakeholder engagement was a foundational element of the project and we welcome your discussion, ideas and questions about the project and the website.